EDCI 335- Post #5-Feedback

My group and I had the privilege of giving feedback to Pod 10’s learning resource. Below you will read the feedback given by myself and each one of my group mates.

Hi Halla, Colby,Stef, and Ben, 

I love your topic, as I have grown up playing golf and have fond memories of playing with my parents. It is great to see how your learning resource caters to a variety of learners and levels of golfers. I like how it describes how it is a journey to master the art of the golf swing and that it demands more than just physical strength, it requires a deep understanding of biomechanics and a commitment to continuous improvement. I also enjoyed reading how your resource was able to incorporate the ideas of Constructivist learning theory in how your resource breaks down the different elements of the golf swing into comprehensible modules. I believe it will be helpful to see the stages broken down into the Backswing, Transition, Downswing, and Impact and including engaging video tutorials, written guides, and interactive simulations. It is also great to see that you included ways to incorporate UDL and the CAST principles into your design. An example I read of this was by understanding and accommodating for diverse expressions of learning by offering options to submit video recordings, written reflections, or audio explanations of your progress. I appreciated your thoughts on encouraging collaboration through a discussion board, giving the ability for a community of learners to exchange experiences and insights. I also love the idea of participants sending in videos of their swing and receiving constructive feedback.  

I think that you have done a thorough job of explaining your learning resource. I am having a hard time finding any suggestions. The one that comes to my mind would be to see an example of one of your assessments instead of just an explanation of them, possibly a rubric. 

Heather Davis

ā€œI very much enjoyed reading this interactive learning resource about how to perfect your natural golf swing. I myself am not a regular golfer but I have tried playing before so I already had an idea at how difficult the sport can be to pay.

The first thing that came to mind while going through your draft is how diverse the learning audience can be. I think itā€™s fantastic that youā€™ve aimed to target such a wide range of age groups and mixed skill levels! By aiming to educate those who have little-to-no experience, you can really cast a wider net and instill some enthusiasm in new players. One small suggestion Iā€™d like to make is referring to ā€œEnglish as a second language (ESL)ā€ as ā€œEnglish language learners (ELL)ā€ instead. The latter is starting to be used more ā€“ especially in the field of education ā€“ as it is more inclusive of learners who are acquiring a new language. Since many people may in fact be learning English as their third or fourth languageā€¦ just something to think about šŸ˜Š

I really like the constructivist approach – I think when you are learning a sport, putting the task into practice is the best way to do it. Youā€™ve hit the nail on the head there! In terms of the technology tools that your learners will require, Iā€™m just a little unclear as to whether they will absolutely need access to a golf simulator or not? Itā€™s mentioned that they can simply go to their local golf club to practice their swing but then later it states that a simulator is required. If thatā€™s the case, I would maybe consider mentioning that at the beginning of your resource to make it crystal clear as to what the learners will need from the beginning. Aside from that, your resource is extremely well organized and precise. Nicely done!

I wish I would have had this resource at my disposal the first time I tried playing golf. Perhaps then I would have gotten more enjoyment out of the sport and have continued to play it. Overall, great job! I look forward to seeing the finished product. ā€œ

  • Melanie Valiquette

Here is my peer review:

Reading this interactive learning resource document, it is evident that all of you are very passionate about the topic. I am impressed with the level of detail and thought put into every section of the document. Not only have you created a resource that involves something that could be very applicable, but it also incorporates a lot of the EDCI335 course material. I love that you break down all the components from this course, and I love the way that it is organized, making it very easy to follow. 

I have no prior experience with golf and have only played golf on WiiSports (which is good because you can get feedback from a beginner). I am also a visual learner, and I know that there will be videos on each swing, but additionally having photos of the details of each swing (like what club to use, what kind of shoes to wear, etc.), would be very helpful and would allow me to follow the instructions better. There are many keywords that I donā€™t know, so referring to them and explaining it to a beginner would be amazing (Iā€™m sure the videos would have a visual reference and might explain but having this would make it easier to follow). I would love to see the final website! I’m sure it will look great!

Other than that, your interactive learning resource draft looks great! Well done! I can see how much effort has been put into this project.

—  Gunel Akhundova 

“Hi, Halla, Colby, Stefan, and Ben! I just finished reading through your Interactive Learning Resource Draft (August 9, 2023). I have to say well done; you must be very proud of all your hard work. Itā€™s evident you all are passionate about golf and have a huge knowledge base around this subject. It was highly detailed and covered the subject thoroughly. Iā€™m a little early to review but it looks like you are almost finished.

I’m not the best person to review your draft since I have very little experience playing golf. I only played one game last year. Letā€™s just say the game lasted a long time… So, my feedback is coming from someone with very little knowledge. Because Iā€™m a beginner to golf I have a small suggestion. Would you be able to include an image for the four different phases of the golf swing so that I could have a visual to understand what you are referring to? Perhaps a still shot of someone performing these? I like visuals because they help create a mental image that I can refer to while I read.

I had a chuckle to myself while I read your draft because I had the same misconceptions that you listed -believing golf was an easy leisurely sport. Those were my misconceptions; I had no idea how complicated it was. I learned from your draft that there are four components to swinging a golf club – backswing, transition, and downswing, to impact I just thought you hit the ballā€¦

I must commend you on several areas in your draft. Your interactive resource covers a wide range of learners; this shows how much work and thought you put into it to cover so many learners based on age and experience. I thought you picked the best option for the learning theory ā€“ constructivism and learning design ā€“ project-based. I appreciated that you recognized that one size doesnā€™t fit all and adjusted accordingly. Nice job on the UDL guidelines; you thought about activities that would fit the various skill sets. You even considered the physical tools the learners would need including the golf simulator and practice net so that they can practice in a private setting. You also made sure your resource had the ability to be interactive by allowing others to contribute to the online forum and provide useful feedback to one another. (hand clap emoji)

Because Iā€™m getting oldā€¦ another small suggestion would be if you could make the font size a little bigger? I have glasses on but needed to hold the screen up closer to my face to read. These are very small suggestions but please feel free to take it or leave it. Itā€™s up to you. Quick question, will you be putting a link to your WordPress account in your draft? Thanks for allowing me to review it. Well done!”

-Des Harvey

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